Category: Suzuki

10 Motor Tercepat Di Dunia

Halo merconers semua, pernah ngebayangin nggak ngendarain motor diatas 300 km/jam trus beloknya diatas 100 km/jam, wah menggila banget nih motor, seandainya punya satu aja, pasti udah jadi racer tangguh dah… penasaran khan motornya kayak gimana… klik dibawah… selamat terkagum-kagum 10. MV Agusta F4 1000 MT Tamburini (307 km/h)

Liar the Movie, Suzuki Motorcycle movies

A drama-action film that picked up the theme of the romantic world of street racing with an additional story of romance. Revolves around the struggle of two young children named Indra (Irgi Ahmad Fahrezi) and Bayu (Raffi Ahmad) in realizing his ideals to become a motorcycle racer.